Cork man has his privacy violated as Gardaí break in and steal his cannabis and cannabis plants
This is the case of name redacted a Cork man living in West Cork (the town was named in the original article but the person not to be named is terrified he will be found out so West Cork is now used instead), Co. Cork, aged 42, with no previous criminal convictions and it began back in July 16th 2021 when gardaí violated this mans privacy with the aid of a search warrant obtained under the misuse of drugs act. Upon searching his house the gardaí found some cannabis and cannabis plants which they stole from name redacted. The Cannabis plants were to young to value according to gardaí but they say the cannabis they stole from name redacted was worth an estimated €4,350 (217.5grams) . The gardaí also stole name redacted weighing scales.
According to gardaí the Cannabis plants were too young to be valued
After having his home and privacy violated name redacted was forced to plead guilty to personal possession of Cannabis but insists that it was only for his own use and wasn’t intended for resale. Judge McNulty presiding over the case commented that “it’s a lot of Cannabis” for one person and went on to convicted name redacted on the charges of Possession and Cultivation but not sale and supply. Name redacted is now on continuing bail and has to wait for a probation report to be furnished to the court before his case can be brought to a close. He is due to return to court on February 18th 2022.
I hope this ends well for name redacted who is just another victim of this cruel and inhumane prohibition of Cannabis.
Why do the the gardai have the power to violate your privacy over something so simple like a cannabis plant? What is the danger that Cannabis poses to warrant such powers?
The public for so long have been led to believe that cannabis is dangerous, highly addictive and of no medicinal use. Imagine if we never had the internet and stories like Charlotte Figi’s never reached mothers here in Ireland like Vera Twomey whose daughter Ava would not be experiencing the quality of life she is today thanks to Cannabis.
Charlotte Figi who with the help of her mother Paige was able to help so many with her powerful story of how Cannabis helped with her seizures. Sadly she passed away April 7th 2020 due to suspected corona virus infection.
Vera Twomey’s book which highlights her battle to access this plant for her daughter Ava who suffers with Dravet syndrome (rare form of epilepsy)
Why is so much effort still going into the prohibition of this plant? Why have the government since 2016 not funded a single study into cannabis and its potential as a medicine to help with chronic pain, epilepsy, MS, Fibromyalgia, Endometriosis, Chron’s disease, Glaucoma, Depression, Nausea, stress and so much more?
We as a society do not benefit in anyway from Cannabis prohibition and the harms its causing today have gotten so great we really need to take a stand once and for all to change these laws.
2022 has on offer already a number of possible avenues where the change we desire (ending Cannabis prohibition) can be achieved but it will only be achieved through the power of the people.