ReLeaf CBD cafe up in the High court today in a major case for the cannabis industry in Ireland

Today in Dublin Mark Jenkins of ReLeaf CBD cafe will be attending the high court in a case which could bring a much needed change to Ireland’s misuse of drugs act 1977. 


Mark and Dawn at a recent charity event raising money for the Homeless


Mark is the owner of ReLeaf CBD cafe which operates out of Dungarvan and Clonmel. In the cafe customers can enjoy top class customer service and amazing teas, coffees, and snacks too. Also on offer for the benefit of customers is CBD in various forms (Tea, Coffee, chocolates, gummies, soft drinks, oils, salves, flowers and more). 

Customers and supporters of Releaf outside Dungarvan garda station after a protest was held follwing another drug raid on Mark’s home and him having being held overnight by the gardai in a holding cell

CBD as I’m sure you are all well aware is a compound from the cannabis plant which is where the problems start for Mark's business. As the ReLeaf cafe offers CBD in various forms and the CBD used in these products is full spectrum meaning it is taken from the cannabis plant and contains other cannabinoids including trace amounts of THC. 

THC under Irish law is a controlled drug and is illegal to possess without a proper licence. European law has a level of which THC can be present in Hemp and CBD stores like ReLeaf and Little Collins have been operating under these European guidelines as the Irish laws are in breach of the laws on the Free Movement of Goods within Europe or at least that's what I believe is being argued in Court today. 

In a facebook post this morning from ReLeaf they said :

Our first High Court Apperance starts today after 2 years ,10 raids & over €100k worth of legal products taken.

It is our legal right to Earn a living and right to privacy in our family home .

We should not have to bring matters before the High Court to Enforce law .

The End is Near

#cbdflower #tipperary #waterford #reliefforreleaf #gardalarkinstopyourbarkin #cbdireland #hemp

Mark has been on the receiving end of 10 drug raids on his business and also his family home due soley to the nature of his business. After one of the most recent raids on his home and one where Mark was held overnight in teh cold holding cell of Dungarvan garda station, his customers and campaigners supporting his bussiness took to the streets of Dungarvan and marched from “Walton Park” though the main street of Dungarvan to the Gardai station on the other side of the town. (Videos Below of the March and a civil disobedience protest outside and inside the garda station)

One of the customers who attended the protest in Dungarvan told me how they depended on Marks business as a source of CBD products which they give to their child to help with the symptoms of his autism. There was even a number of kids there in support of Mark and their friend (pictured below). Once at the garda station that day a number of campaigners enetered the gardai station with cannabis products sourced from ReLeaf. The campaigners had their details taken and told the rpoducts would be sent for analysis. I’ve recently recieved a summons for Dungarvan district court for this protest with that case set to start in February. I look forward to my day in court and for my chance to challenge these draconion laws just like ReLeaf is today.

Some of the protesters who came out in support of ReLeaf in Dungarvan on August 28th 2021

The Calm Drinks (CBD beverage sold by Releaf)Van parked right outside the door of the garda station on the day of the protest.

Another protester who came to support ReLeaf holding up a “Free TheWeed” sign outside Dungarvan Garda station.

Stef , Myself and Mark (from right to left) who entered the garda station to engage in a civil disobedience protest in support of ReLeaf

It will be a bad day for the prohibitionists if Releaf and Little Collins are successful in either of their cases. Success for either would mean the misuse of drugs act 1977 would need to be amended to include low THC cannabis products. This will then mean that wider cannabis decriminalisation is just around the corner for Ireland as gardai will no longer be able to police High THC cannabis products while low THC cannabis products are legal. Alan Robinson of the NI Canna guy can explain what I mean using bananas (video below).


Dont forget to tune into 420 News Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4.20pm (Cork Time) for your cannabis news and for more updates on the fight for Cannabis legalisation in Ireland.


*********Fundraiser Raffle*********


Gardaí and FSAI have successfully saved Halloween after capturing mastermind behind Ireland’s cannabis candy epidemic