Mark “The Grinch” McGowan supports Organised Crime Gangs this Christmas with a promise to continue Cannabis prohibition in Western Australia
Recently in the WA Government a question was put forward by Dr Brian Walker MLC to the prime minister & treasurer Mark McGowan which was answered by Sue Ellery the Minister for Finance, Commerce & Women’s Interests.
The following is a transcript of that “conversation”
Hon Dr BRIAN WALKER to the Leader of the House representing the Treasurer:
I refer the Premier, in his role as our state Treasurer, to the announcement by the state government of extended retail trading hours over Christmas, beginning on Saturday, 10 December.
(1) Is the government aware of data from the United States, released last month by web-based analytics company Weedmaps, showing that in jurisdictions that have legalised cannabis, sales increased over the holiday period by as much as 30 per cent, adding many thousands of dollars to local economies?
(2) Given this festive potential, will the Treasurer give Western Australians an early Christmas present by instructing Treasury to report on the potential impacts of cannabis legalisation on the WA economy, be it at Christmas or throughout the year, with an aim to tabling a report in Parliament before Santa gets much older?
Hon SUE ELLERY replied:
“I almost feel bad (meaning she doesn't feel bad at all, laughing as she gives her answer) giving the honorable member this answer, because that was the cutest version yet he has given of getting cannabis related to everything. But on behalf of the Treasurer, I advise the following.
(1) No
(2) No.”
She completely dismisses the question with the shortest answer possible but let's read into it.
The first question was asking if the government was aware of financial reports by WeedMaps showing benefits to local economies with increased sales over the Christmas break. The answer to this was NO, but if they don't know then why not ask if these reports can be supplied to the relevant people in power so they can learn of the potential financial benefits to the local economy. Why are they not interested in seeing how organised crime gangs are benefitting every year by extrapolating the data from the WeedMap reports onto the adult Cannabis consuming population of Australia which as of 2020 was 12.1%
Is the current WA government acting in the best interest of its people given that many people in Australia consume cannabis and even more support Cannabis legalisation and this was shown by the success of the Legalise Cannabis party recently. In May’s federal election at least 2 to 7 percent of votes in all jurisdictions across the nation went to Legalise Cannabis Australia, and the party also took hold of two upper house seats in last year’s Western Australian state election. It’s also shown by the National Drug Strategy Household Survey (NDSHS) in 2019, which showed that more Australians now support legalisation of cannabis than remain opposed; 41% of Australians now support the legalisation of cannabis, 37% remain opposed, and 22% are undecided.
It’s also worth mentioning that Australia has a booming medical Cannabis program that’s seen almost 250,000 cannabis prescriptions being filled , with 85% of that number happening since January 2020. On the 24th February 2016, Australia legalised growing of cannabis for medicinal and scientific purposes at the federal level. So more and more Australians are benefiting from the therapeutic benefits of the cannabis plant but many continue to be criminalised for use of the same plant.
It’s great so many are benefitting and learning of the benefits of Cannabis use, but the ignorant bigot prohibitionists who continue to support a federal prohibition of cannabis are costing the State millions of dollars everyday.
Even over on Dr Brian Walkers twitter post people are posting that they’ve already stocked up on Cannabis (illegally) for the festive period.
How many of you out there reading this are stocked up and ready for a HIGHly enjoyable Christmas? I know I managed to keep enough in my jars to get me through Christmas and new years.
Just incase this is the last post before Christmas ,
Merry Christmas everyone!
Mark “The Grinch” McGowan’s government is committed to ruining Christmas for cannabis consumers and keeping Cannabis controlled by Organised crime gangs