€1.63 million worth of Cannabis seized in Dublin
Gardaí are questioning a 33 year old man in Dublin after they uncovered €1.63 million worth of Cannabis in an intelligence led operation on Thursday 6th of January. While the operation was “intelligence led” its a pity you can say the same for the law which they were enforcing that day as the prohibition of drugs is a brain dead idea. How long more will the state waste tax payers money on this failed policy born from the minds of racists and misogynist & only makes our streets a much more dangerous place for our kids and loved ones to walk.
€1.63 million @23Vat is a whole lot of money that could be put to much better use than it currently is which is lining criminals pockets
The car which was stopped in this joint investigation by Revenue’s Customs service and the Garda National Drugs & Organised Crime Bureau (GNDOCB) was found to contain 155Kg of Cannabis resin and 35Kg of Herbal Cannabis. This is estimated to be worth €1.63 million street value and if we apply the Irish VAT rate of 23% to this we see Ireland losing out on over €350000 which could’ve gone to help with the ever growing cost of the current Pandemic.
The ignorance of the prohibitionists is not only costing us revenue and jobs but its also ruining so many lives. People are currently living in fear of the authorities because of their choice to consume this simple plant and the state is sponsoring this terrorism every year with hundreds of millions of tax payers money both directly and indirectly.
We then have the many patients who still cannot access this plant due to this ignorant prohibition of Cannabis. Patients like Alicia Maher who still remains in Alicante, Spain due to the treatment of patients who use cannabis receive in Ireland compared to Spain. So while prohibitionists might celebrate this and say “Well done Gardaí” or “Great work keeping the streets safe” it couldnt be further from the truth. Prohibition has caused nothing but misery and suffering from its onset and it will continue to do so until we end prohibition.
Regulation and Education are the only tools which the government should be using to reduce harms from drug use in society. It’s not the governments place to be telling us which drugs we should be allowed to use be it for medical use or recreational, spiritual etc.. If a person would like to try Cannabis , mushrooms or DMT then it should be their choice and the government should only ever spend money on educating and supporting these people not spending money to punish them when they never did harm to anyone else in society.